Entremargens - 2012
I love poets who make music. From Manuel Bandeira and his Madrigais ready to take on the chords of Villa-Lobos to our contemporaries who make song one of the best supports for poetry. That's why, when I heard "Mal Secreto" with Arthur Nogueira I was determined to know more about that voice. I didn't know anything about him. I heard it on the internet, got curious and wrote asking for more music. Arthur was more than I expected. It was a surprise to come from Belém to have a musician so linked to the most classic of our popular music and, at the same time, so involved with poetry. That wonder of Jards Macalé and Waly Salomão was just a foreshadowing of what I would still hear from their singing. I say marvelous not only because of the iconic masterpiece from the 70s, a rare song, but also because of the reading done by Arthur. Light, airy and without losing the strength of those verses.
Owner of a deep and soft voice at the same time, Arthur is a young composer who knows how to choose his partners very well. Among poets, lyricists and musicians. This compact that features two partner poets is a little gem. With Dand M — with whom he has done others —, he sings his own song in "Ppreciso Cantar". Dand M wrote the lyrics after Arthur's show in Belém and the song was appropriately dedicated to the great Cida Moreira, a source of inspiration and reference. With Antonio Cicero, Arthur sings about summer and love. Cicero was talking about the 70s and our singer from Pará takes Rio for himself and brings the theme to today, in a delicious arrangement with trumpet and acoustic bass. A classic and totally original sound, elegant as the poems ask for. In both songs, we have the precious hands of Guilherme Kastrup — who recorded the voices in São Paulo — and the talent of Arthur Kunz, who did the musical production in Belém. "Entremargens" is like "Mal Secreto", just a hint of what comes around. I look forward to it.
Patricia Palumbo
01 I need to sing
(Arthur Nogueira / Dand M)
Dubas Music, Direct
02 Old Summer (Embarkation for Cythera)
(Arthur Nogueira / Antonio Cicero)
Dubas Music, Events